Work Accident Protection
This type of insurance is designed with the security that self-employed workers aim to have when undertaking and developing their activity.
It can provide several advantages for you, such as:
We are a family owned and operated business.
Protection in case of accidents at work, personnel and / or illness;
Flexibility with regard to the appropriate choice of a cover pack corresponding to the profile of the self-employed person;
Legal protection;
Damage to clothing;
Among many more advantages!
We are a family owned and operated business.
For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us !
Personal Accident Protection
We all have accidents, even in contexts that we never even thought about suffering. In this way, personal accident insurance is designed so that you are insured against any less positive eventuality, such as being hurt while playing with your child and being unable to work the next day.
This type of insurance may cover:
Protection against temporary disability, with the right to a subsidy;
Protection against absolute temporary incapacity (in case of hospitalization), with the right to a subsidy;
Protection against death and / or permanent disability;
Income protection;
Among many more advantages!
We are a family owned and operated business.
For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us !
Life Risk Protection
This is an insurance designed for those who really love the comfort of a protection who protects themselves and / or their family. However, it is an insurance that can guarantee the following conditions:
Capital guarantee in the event of death;
Capital guarantee in case of death by accident;
Capital guarantee on absolute and permanent disability, or serious illness;
Among many more advantages!
We are a family owned and operated business.
For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us !
Health Protection
Health insurance is a great alternative to protect both your health and that of your family. These insurances can be distinguished in three types of modalities, by:
Reimbursement: When the person makes his treatment and the due payment, the insurer will try to reimburse him a percentage of the expense incurred. This depends, of course, on the place and the agreements in force;
Co-payment: A fixed price of treatments or consultations is presented, depending on the network of providers. Then, a kind of moderating fee (deductible) is paid, depending on the insurance and the agreements in force;
Mixed: Depending on your convenience and option, there will be the possibility to proceed with the two modalities above.
We are a family owned and operated business.
However, this insurance can guarantee the following conditions:
We are a family owned and operated business.
Serious diseases;
Consultations and the like;
Treatment abroad;
Among many more advantages!
We are a family owned and operated business.
For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us !
Protection Savings
This type of protection is focused on small / medium savings. This capture is made through periodic deliveries, making it possible, at any time, to make a reinforcement through supplementary deliveries. In this sense, your savings account may have advantages in terms of profitability, availability and tax environment. In short, you can guarantee the following conditions:
Minimum rate of return for the contracted period;
The pupan account can be withdrawn at any time;
Income tax is much more favorable in terms of the life insurance tax framework;
Among many more advantages!
We are a family owned and operated business.
For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us !
Travel Protection
We all like safety and convenience on a trip we take. Now, this is an insurance in which you will feel relaxed when making your trip. In short, this type of protection can guarantee the following conditions:
Payment of treatment expenses incurred abroad;
It is valid for travel by land, sea or air;
Coverages from accidents to assistance in the disease;
Among many more advantages!
We are a family owned and operated business.
For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us !